Sunday, January 31, 2010


I have just finished the weekly update to Albany Hilltowns main pages. It summarizes changes made this past week and gives links to them: Civil War soldier biographies, Lot numers, farm houses, farm activites, ideas for farmers, and much more.

Here are a few of the new pages added this past week:

  • A biography page has been started for Ernest J. Ecker who died on Sunday, Jan. 17, 2010, in Delray Beach, Fla., where he had lived in his later years. He was 87.


  •  The Enos Wright House, 1560 Helderberg Trail, Berne, was built 1891 by Charles Willsey for Enos J. Wright (1837- 1905). Wright was a 49 year old farmer, single, and living at home when his mother died in 1885. A few months later he married 27 year old Ida Mae Schoonmaker, who had been a domestic in the home of his parents’ home for a number of years. The house was a major addition to the small, earlier house which is now the east wing kitchen.